Page 2902 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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City Services Group - Project Officer

Mr De Domenico asked the Minister for Urban Services: In relation to the

appointment of John Wilson as an AS06 in the Department of Urban Services -

(1) When was Mr Wilson appointed.

(2) What are his duties and title and is this a permanent appointment.

(3) If it is only a short term appointment what are the terms_ and conditions.

(4) What was the selection process used to appoint Mr Wilson.

(5) Did the appointment contravene an order by the head of ACT Administration,

Mr Bill Harris.

(6) Was a position of Union Liaison Officer (ULO) abolished on 31 Match 1993;

if so, (a) were consultative committee operations and information flow

processes set up to replace the position of ULO; and (b) what process lead to

the position being opened again.

(7) Were two other ULO positions offered as well as the position filled by Mr Wilson; if so, who filled these positions.

(8) Are there guidelines for the appointment of officers in the Department of

Urban Services; if so, what are they.

Mr Connolly - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) 27 July 1993 .

(2) Mr Wilsons duties are to design, plan, implement and report on a program of

structural and work place reform for the Waste Management Section of the

ACT City Services Group. His title is project officer. It is not a permanent


(3) The terms and conditions are as usual for short term temporary employees and

include no possibility of long term temporary or permanent employment.

(4) Normal selection procedures were followed in recruiting Mr Wilson, as

described in the attached letter, sent to the Public Sector Union (PSU) on

13 August 1993, at the PSUs request.

(S) No.

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