Page 2894 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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Housing Trust - Rent Deductions

Mr CORNWELL: Asked the Minister for Housing and Community Services-

In relation to the statement in the Housing Estimates of 9 October 1992 (p1365) that "the fine details of a formal agreement with Social Security" was being negotiated concerning voluntary deductions of ACT Housing Trust rents -

(1) Has this agreement been formalised; if so, when; if not, why not.

(2) If it is in operation, how many tenants have opted to participate.

(3) Has it reduced bad debts, say by pro rata comparison with 1992 and if so, by approximately how much.

Mr CONNOLLY: The answer to the Members question is as follows-

(1) The agreement has not been formalised. The Government made an in principle

agreement and commitment to the direct debit of social security pensions in

October 1992. The formal agreement is being negotiated to address minor

concerns raised by the ACT Government Solicitor.

The implementation has been delayed by the Victorian Governments action of giving the Scheme a low priority for the Victorian Department of Planning and Development, who administer public housing in Victoria. The ACT Housing Trust has reached agreement with Victoria that programming of the computer system, to run the ACT part of the Scheme on the shared ISIP system, will commence during the first half of 1993/94.

(2) See above.

(3) See above

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