Page 2852 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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Road Signs - Height

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for Urban Services:

(1) Has consideration been given to raising Canberras roadside directional signs to a height that would prevent defacement by vandals with pressure packs and, if. not, why-not.

Mr Connolly - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) No - guide signs in the ACT are designed in accordance with Australian

Standard practice to assist drivers. The height of the.sign is determined so that .

it is clearly visible under headlight illumination at night.

On kerbed roads in urban areas the sign should be set a minimum of 2.Om above the top of the kerb to prevent obstruction by occasional pedestrians or to reduce the interference from parked vehicles.

The possible need for increased maintenance and cleaning, together with sight obstructions to pedestrians or oncoming traffic, should be considered as part of the design process. Signs which overhang a footpath should have a height of 2.5m minimum above the level of the footpath.

It is not possible or practical to eliminate all vandal defacement by design or construction methods alone.

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