Page 2826 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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Housing Trust Properties - Auctions

MR CORNWELL - Asked the Minister for Housing and Community Services -

(1) How are agents chosen to auction ACT Housing Trust Properties.

(2) How many 3 bedroom properties have been auctioned in 1992-93 and in

what suburbs were they located.

(3) Who was the agent by name in each case.

(4) What were the auction prices paid in each case.

(5) What was the reserve or "serious bidding" figure in each case.

(6) What was the reason for selling in each case.

MR CONNOLLY - The answer to the members question is as follows:

(1) The ACT Housing Trust advertises for expressions of interest by Real Estate Agents in the ACT. The expressions of interest are then assessed against the guidelines for selection. The Housing Trust will shortly be calling for new expressions of interest.

(2) Sixteen 3 bedroom properties were auctioned over the 1992-93 financial year

and the location is documented on the table on the following page.

(3) See attached table.

(4) See attached table.

(5) For the purpose of setting a reserve figure the Housing Trust auction procedure is to obtain a valuation from the Australian Valuation Office. The actual reserve is established by Housing Trust staff based on the valuation and an assessment during marketing.

(6) The dwellings in Griffith and Barton were sold in order to release funds for the construction of urban renewal projects in other inner areas of Canberra. There are high concentrations of public housing in Charnwood and Kambah and housing is sometimes sold in these suburbs when no longer required. The properties listed in the inner suburbs, were sold following judgement that it would not be economic for the Housing Trust to spend additional funds upgrading the dwellings. The proceeds from sale are reinvested in providing new dwellings for tenants

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