Page 2786 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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Mr Lamont: The MPI, Mr De Domenico - read the words.

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, has there been a change in the speakership of this Assembly? I repeat: ACT families are not - - -

Mr Wood: Mr De Domenico has not much to say, so he is happy for the time to be wasted.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr De Domenico will say a lot, Mr Wood, if he is given a chance to do so. I know that it hurts people opposite to hear this, but hear it they will. There is no social justice - - -

Mr Berry: You always speak a lot, but you do not say much. You speak a lot and say little.

Mr Wood: You have been there for four minutes and you have not said it yet.

Mr Berry: Come on; hurry up.

MR DE DOMENICO: Are you right?

Mr Berry: Come on; we are waiting. It's the pause that refreshes.

MR DE DOMENICO: You are a dill; do you know that? You are a complete and utter fool, and no-one finds any sense in what you say, anyway. The Labor Party has increased by 10c the cost of petrol to foster families in the ACT.

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, I again raise the same point of order. The question in relation to the MPI is quite specific. If Mr De Domenico continues to fail to observe the normal form in this Assembly and address himself to the MPI, I believe that he should no longer be heard.

MADAM SPEAKER: Perhaps you could rephrase your sentence, Mr De Domenico, so that what you are saying becomes a bit more apparent.

MR DE DOMENICO: One of the reasons the ACT Government has to give more money to foster care families is that they have been pillaged by their colleagues in the Federal Labor Government, who have increased petrol prices by 10c a litre, who have taxed accumulated long service leave payments, who have increased wholesale sales taxes across the board, on every product bought by ACT families who happen to have foster kids in their homes, and who have taken off the Medicare schedule things like optometry fees. That is one of the reasons why the ACT Government ought to be considering giving more money to those families.

We allowed Mr Connolly, when he was on his feet, to take pleasure in talking about the ratepayers association.

Mr Lamont: The Red Hill ratepayers association.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Lamont, as usual, is wrong when he uses the words "Red Hill", but we are used to Mr Lamont being wrong. Mr Connolly was suggesting that Lucinda Spier was some sort of highfalutin member of the Liberal Party. Ms Spier is a member of the Liberal Party. She is also a ratepayer in the ACT, and she has every right to express concern about the way this Government handles foster families and the way it handles all sorts of things.

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