Page 2763 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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ACTION - Fraud Allegations

MS ELLIS: My question is directed to the Minister for Urban Services. What does the Minister say to allegations that fraud is tolerated in the ACTION system?

MR CONNOLLY: I thank Ms Ellis for the question. I was concerned to see a newspaper report yesterday which suggested in relation to a Merit Protection and Review Agency decision that it was said that fraud was tolerated within ACTION, and I think it is important that the record be set straight. That may well have been a reflection of past practice under previous governments; but, certainly, in the period of this administration, we have made it very clear that fraud is not tolerated within the bus system. Since 1991 there have been three occasions, Madam Speaker, when the police have been called in and matters such as the theft of bus tickets have been dealt with as a police matter, have been brought before the courts and guilty pleas obtained or convictions obtained. So it has been made abundantly clear that fraud will not be tolerated within ACTION; that fraud will not be tolerated in any area of this administration.

The members opposite have often been very enthusiastic, one would almost say rabid, in relation to fraud by blue-collar workers, claiming that the Government must crack down on fraud by blue-collar workers and take a tough approach and criminal action, but they have been noticeably silent on the findings of the Auditor-General in relation to visiting medical officers, Mrs Carnell even being quoted as saying, despite reading the report, that there is no evidence of problems. Madam Speaker, I hope that members opposite will be as enthusiastic in relation to this Government's crackdown on fraud by white-collar professionals as they have been in relation to this Government's crackdown on fraud in blue-collar areas.

Education Budget

MR CORNWELL: My question is directed to the Minister for Education and Training, Mr Wood. Is it a fact that teacher award conditions are covered by industrial awards? If so, how do you propose to vary such conditions in order to make the education funding cuts in the 1993-94 budget as you indicated on 12 July?

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, perhaps Mr Cornwell can show me what I indicated on 12 July. If he quotes a newspaper report he should be very careful to see that he attributes to me the exact words that I have spoken. I recall that a little time ago I had a discussion with a reporter about the costs and where expenses arise in our education system. I do not believe that I gave any indication, as Mr Cornwell suggests, of what may or may not happen in the budget. His question is based on an assumption and I think he should wait until after the budget before asking questions.

MR CORNWELL: I have a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. Perhaps Mr Wood needs some clarification on this matter. I would not like to misquote him. Perhaps he would like to comment on the highlighted section.

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, what I said was absolutely correct.

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