Page 2759 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993

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printing, I believe, 1,000 copies of the plan. It was not prepared to do that until those six sitting days had expired. In this period, too, there has been a process of working out development guidelines for the B1 areas and for other areas of Canberra where there will be some attention. We are putting into place the appeal system. I think that date of gazettal will be fairly soon, certainly as soon as we can manage it.

Betterment Tax

MR MOORE: My question is also directed to Mr Wood as Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning. It refers to his statement on betterment made here on Tuesday. The Minister said in his ministerial statement:

Certainly, if potential were excluded, a greater return could be expected. In a recent instance a before value of $900,000 was levied on a consolidation of four blocks to enable a medium density development. If potential had been excluded, the before value would have been $600,000 - a difference of some $300,000.

Could the Minister confirm that he was referring to section 22, Braddon? If that is the case, would the Minister please provide the after value and then explain how those before and after values were arrived at?

MR WOOD: Yes, it would be a fair assumption to make that that was Braddon, which was the source of a lot of discussion. I will provide Mr Moore with the details of how that estimation was made.

Australian Capital Auctioneers

MR DE DOMENICO: My question without notice is to the Treasurer. In light of the collapse of Australian Capital Auctioneers, the extent of the loss to the ACT government revenue and the losses incurred by individual members of the ACT community, is the Treasurer aware that principals of the failed Australian Capital Auctioneers are seeking auctioneer licences in the ACT?

MS FOLLETT: Yes, I was aware that they were seeking auctioneers licences; but, as I say, the matter of the issue of auctioneers licences is under review as part of a review of the Agents Act. That is about as much information as I can offer to Mr De Domenico on the subject. I would again say that there are matters before the courts and I am not in a position to be as fulsome as I usually am in answer to members' questions on matters to do with business. I will take the broader question on notice and provide as much information as I can.

MR DE DOMENICO: I have a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. In light of the Chief Minister's answer to that question, seeing that she is aware that applications for licences have been put in again, has the ACT Government made representations to the court in respect of the suitability of the former principals to hold auctioneers licences?

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