Page 2729 - Week 09 - Thursday, 26 August 1993
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the equivalent scheme in New South Wales. In that State, compensation is refused for dog attacks. I accept that some dog attacks are serious matters, and the Dog Control Act, which Mr Wood introduced into this Assembly earlier this year, includes a provision for the payment of compensation by the owners of dogs. However, it is not a matter which should be dealt with under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, which has the objective of compensating people injured by other people committing serious crimes. Madam Speaker, I table the explanatory memorandum to the Bill.
Debate (on motion by Mr Humphries) adjourned.
Report on Standing Order 153
MADAM SPEAKER: I present a report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedures entitled "Standing Order 153 - Calling for a Vote".
MR LAMONT (10.44): I move:
That the report be adopted.
The proposal to create a new standing order 153A for the remainder of the life of this Assembly, in the terms outlined in the report currently being circulated to members, is the result of a number of processes. First of all, Mr Cornwell put a proposition shortly after the commencement of this Assembly that standing order 179, I think it was, be amended to require more than one person to call for a division and undertake certain other activities in the Assembly. The Administration and Procedures Committee at that time recommended that we not proceed with that proposition of Mr Cornwell's, and said that it may be more appropriate to place in the overall review of standing orders the questions raised by Mr Cornwell.
However, the Administration and Procedures Committee, in reviewing the activities of the Assembly and the way business was conducted in the Assembly in the ensuing 18 months, has arrived at a position which I believe will add to the efficiency with which this Assembly conducts its business; that is, to require that before a division is called two members are required to call for the vote. If a single member only calls for a vote against the call of the Speaker, then that single member's dissent will still be recorded in Hansard. It is important to ensure that the rights of an individual member are protected by having their dissent recorded in a formal way.
Madam Speaker, the proposal is very simple. The committee recommended:
(1) Standing order 135 be amended for the remainder of this Assembly by inserting after "challenged" the words "by Members".
(2) Standing order 153 be amended for the remainder of this Assembly by omitting "a Member" and substituting "Members".
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