Page 2715 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 25 August 1993

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Government Vehicles - Cleaning

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for Urban Services:

(1) What arrangements, if any, exist for cleaning. Government vehicles.

(2) Is cleaning the responsibility of the person garaging the vehicle and is this person responsible for any payment that might result, ie car wash costs.

(3) Do parking inspectors have Government vehicles and; if so, how many.

(4) Are parking inspectors permitted to take vehicles to car wash facilities during business hours and, if so, who pays for the car wash.

Mr Connolly - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) & (2) The responsibility for the cleaning of ACT Government vehicles rests with the driver of the vehicle who is required to keep the vehicle clean, neat and tidy. It is a matter for individual Departments as to what arrangements are made for cleaning.

(3) ACT Government vehicles are used by parking inspectors conducting mobile

patrols and for transporting foot patrol inspectors. The parking inspectors

vehicle fleet consists of

2 passenger vehicles

2 commercial vans and

7 motor cycles

(4) Parking inspectors are required to take ACT Government vehicles to car wash

facilities as part of the normal maintenance procedures. The cost of this service

is paid from the budget of the City Services Group of the Department of Urban



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