Page 2707 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 25 August 1993

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Street Tree Planting - Consultation

Mr Humphries - asked the Minister for Urban Services

(1) Is the Minister aware of problems encountered by residents of Macarthur who have complained that ACT Government officials have planted trees on nature strips adjacent to homes without first consulting. the residents.

(2) What policy is followed by the Government with regard to planting trees on nature strips adjacent to homes and consultation with residents.

Mr Connolly - the answer to the members question is as follows

(1) Macarthur Stage 2 Estate was developed by private enterprise land developer, Landco Pty Ltd, whose landscape consultant, Margules Groome Poyry Pty Ltd, arranged delivery of a letter dated 16 April 1993 to all residents (copy attached). The letter advised residents when the planting would take place, as well as the tree species which was to be planted in their street. A contact telephone number was given in case a resident required additional information:

As the initial Macarthur street tree planting was not able to be completed, a follow=up letter was delivered to relevant residents in early June 1993 seeking their cooperation to achieve a successful completion to the work.

(2) The ACT Government has a street tree policy which includes the planting of street trees in new residential areas. The planting is carried out when approximately 80% of houses in a suburb have been completed. The planting of street trees any earlier than this results in a sign ificant loss of trees due to building construction activities


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