Page 2677 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 25 August 1993

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Page 35, paragraph 34(a), line 39, proposed new item 8AA, after proposed new item 8A insert the following item:

"8AA Subsection 10(16). Refusing to grant a full licence to drive a public motor vehicle, a private hire car or a licensed goods motor vehicle.".

Madam Speaker, these amendments have been circulated. They have been previously discussed with the Opposition, as Mr De Domenico acknowledged. They essentially provide a discretion in the exercise of certain powers of the registrar. If discretion is inappropriately exercised, there is a right of appeal in relation to provisional licences. It seemed more appropriate to have discretion rather than arbitrary power that must be exercised.

Amendments agreed to.

Bill, as a whole, as amended, agreed to.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

Motion of Censure

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (3.24): Madam Speaker, I seek leave to move a motion of censure against Mrs Carnell, Mr De Domenico and Mr Humphries.

Leave granted.

MR BERRY: I move:

That this Assembly censures Mrs Carnell (Leader of the Opposition), Mr De Domenico and Mr Humphries for their attack under privilege of Mr Wright.

Censure motions are not motions which one delights in, but sometimes they are necessary to highlight where a person has been wronged. I refer in particular to question time this day, when Mrs Carnell, Mr De Domenico and Mr Humphries sought to impugn a member of the community without providing any evidence at all which would support the criticism which they levelled in this cowards' castle against that person. What has occurred in this case has been a travesty, lowers the tone of this place and brings it into discredit amongst senior members of the community - people who have their shoulders to the wheel and who are working in the interests of the community as a whole. Mr Wright is involved in a range of community activities which we would all support. One which I am aware of is the RSPCA. I know that he is involved in the tourism industry; I know that he has been involved with the Vietnam veterans and other issues. I do not have a detailed knowledge, but that does not matter.

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