Page 2618 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 24 August 1993

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MR DE DOMENICO: You make it very difficult sometimes. May I also say that Rod Power needs to be thanked. Anybody who works with him will realise what I am talking about. He is a magnificent secretary of any committee, I think. He is also a very pleasant chap and he makes life a lot easier. As Ms Ellis said, the volume of the paperwork that we have to go through is absolutely astronomical. I know that from time to time certain members of the community cast aspersions about the ability and mental capacity of members of this Assembly. I invite anybody who has that point of view to spend a couple of weeks with the PDI Committee when it is going full bore on looking at Territory plans, and then I dare them to make the same comments publicly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Report and Statement

MRS GRASSBY: I present report No. 14 of 1993 of the Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation. I ask for leave to make a brief statement on the report.

Leave granted.

MRS GRASSBY: Report No. 14 of 1993 contains the committee's comments on three Bills and five pieces of subordinate legislation. I commend the report to the Assembly.


Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:

That orders of the day, Nos 1 to 4, executive business, relating to the Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) 1993, Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) 1993, Supreme Court (Amendment) Bill 1993 and the Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-Vesting) Bill 1993, be postponed until the next day of sitting.

Ministerial Statement

Debate resumed from 25 March 1993, on motion by Ms Follett:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

MR KAINE (8.53): I think this is a subject that is worthy of some debate. In fact, the Chief Minister, in making her statement on 25 March, noted in her opening remarks that she thought it was fitting that Seniors Week be recognised in the Assembly by a ministerial statement. I presume that that was intended to convey the fact that the Government thought that this was a sufficiently important subject for a ministerial statement to be made about it. That was paragraph 2 of the Chief Minister's speech and it was the highest point of her speech. From there on it went downhill, and I want to comment on that.

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