Page 2574 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 24 August 1993

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Paper and Ministerial Statement

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning): Madam Speaker, for the information of members and pursuant to the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991, I present a schedule which details the leases granted in the quarter ended 30 June. I ask for leave to have the schedule incorporated in Hansard and to make a short statement to the Assembly.

Leave granted.

Document incorporated at Appendix 2.

MR WOOD: As members may recall, an amendment was made to the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 to remove the requirement to table leases that were granted by direct grant. Section 216A of the Act now requires that a schedule of all leases granted by direct grant be tabled within five sitting days of the expiration of the quarter. The last quarter ended on 30 June. I now table the schedule required, which covers the period 1 April to 30 June 1993. Copies of the leases are available to members of the Assembly and the public from the department's shopfront at the John Overall Offices.

Ministerial Statement

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer): Madam Speaker, I ask for leave of the Assembly to make a ministerial statement on the Youth Ministers Council and the national youth policy.

Leave granted.

MS FOLLETT: I thank members. Madam Speaker, recently I attended the meeting of the Youth Ministers Council in New Zealand. At this meeting Ministers with responsibility for youth affairs from Australia and New Zealand discussed a number of important issues relating to young people. Today I would like to outline some of the more significant conclusions of the meeting and to discuss a number of initiatives taken by this Government in support of young people in the ACT.

A wide range of issues was discussed at the meeting of that Ministers council. These included income support, education and training for disadvantaged young people, youth sector training and the role of youth Ministers in coordinating and consulting on youth issues across Australia and New Zealand. However, most importantly, the council supported and endorsed the national youth policy, which I believe represents a landmark in progressing consideration of matters affecting youth at a national level. I introduced the national youth policy and was supported by Virginia Chadwick and Ross Free, the New South Wales and Commonwealth youth Ministers respectively.

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