Page 2131 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993
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Mount Rob Roy - Fire Management Works
Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning -
(1) Is it a fact that some $200,000 was spent to incorporate Mt Rob Roy into the ACT nature park system.
(2) What was the money spent on and why was it so spent.
Mr Wood - the answer to the Members question is as follows:
(1) An amount of $200,000 was spent on the,Rob Roy Range which. includes MountRob Roy and other areas identified,in the draft Territory Plan as Public Land (Nature Reserve) surrounding Mount Rob Roy including rural leases. Although this area has not been easily.accessible in the past because of adjacent rural land, the proximity of new suburbs will mean increased visitation and places a responsibility on the ACT Parks and Conservation .Service to manage the area to both protect its natural and cultural resources,, and to protect surrounding land,uses-: - ,
(2) The money was spent on the following:
construction of fire trails to improve fire suppression capacity by linking the Rob Roy Range trail to the existing Tuggeranong Hill trail, the Massaro Highway and the property Bellviewl; upgrading of existing fire trails - grading. and drainage works to address.current soil erosion problems .and to increase the standard for heavy and light four wheel. drive management vehicles; replacement of.gates with larger gates to allow access for bulldozers, fire tankers and other fire fighting equipment .(the old gates are being recycled within the ACT Parks and. Conservation Service); erection fencing.and upgrading of existing fencing. including the replacement of some netting fencing with stkand.wires to Allowfreer wildlife movement and to manage stock movement-from adjoining leases and adjustment areas.(removed netting fences have been made available.for reuse elsewhere); construction of water filling points for fire suppression vehicles.
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