Page 2116 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993
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The original vegetation of the North Watson area consisted of E. meffloddra - E blakelyi woodland on the footslopes of Mount Majura, grading into open woodland and possibly grassland on the western edge of the studyarea. Much of the area, however, has been extensively modified, such modification ranging from total replacement: of the original -vegetation, through tree and shrub clearing and groundoover modification as a result of pasture improvement, to understorey modification as a result of past or present grazing (see Figure 5). The extent of disturbance is greater to the west of AM Street than on the higher slopes to the east of Anthill Street
There are nevertheless several areas where the remnant vegetation displays aspects of rtsoriginal character and which may have some habitat potential for native species. West of AMD Street such vegetation includes the remaining.large woodland eucalypts;, many of which are still in good health and contain hollows suitable assessing sites, and areas of developed. Slips tussock grassland, which provide.laurr to moderate potential habitat for-the Striped Legless Lizard Delma impose The habitat potential froths lizard is being -assessed by a fourweek trapping exercise starting in late November 1992. The furdrngs, of this work must be fully considered during the outline planning of the site. .
The most significant vegetation east of Ante Street is the woodland which occurs. where the area managed as Canberra Nature Paris has _a frontage on Antoci Sheet,
- ie.. the area to the north of the double fenced equestrian route. Woodland and .native grassland extends through most of,
the area from here north -to the Federal
Highway, except for a pocket of.. improved pasture uphill of the former Australia
Park (Canberra Fairy and south of Apex Park.-. -in particular the north eastern tip
of this area-(on the FederalHighway east of Apex Park) isffidristically averse, with
at least six locally uncommon plants being present, naively EoVum opinion,
lea per, Acacia pawn I Openarlariff hlsplda, Thysanotis
paterswp and Arthrolvodknn minus This area is outside the area contemplated
for possible development
Further along Annual ShiK the understorey is heavily grazed .although mature
woodland trees, wish ice. for nesting sites one found- throughout this"
areas sirrillar to those west of Mill Street -
Lanwater features are also of value to-lpcal witdife (age frogs) and provide opportunities-for appreciation and nature study
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