Page 2088 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993

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At Calvary Hospital nominations are forwarded to the Pastoral Care Supervisor with a recommendation forwarded to the Hospitals Administration and formal accreditation as a chaplain issued.

4. At Woden Valley Hospital, the Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Department participates in the activities of the Division of Health Professionals, including its Quality Improvement Committee. Performance against accreditation standards, including staff appraisal, is assessed and reports provided to the Hospitals Quality Improvement Committee. Given the voluntary nature of service, nominating religious bodies determine additional performance indicators.

At Calvary Hospital, Pastoral Care is included in the quality assurance reports conducted within the Hospitals .Administration Services. Reporting lines are clearly defined and performance against accreditation standards is also reported. The Hospital works closely with the nominating faith and religious bodies, giving particular concern to the mostly voluntary nature of the service, to determine appropriate performance indicators.


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