Page 2039 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993
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The provisions of this Bill allow the ACT Government to be well placed to meet its responsibilities under national schemes to conserve Australia's biological resources. In particular, as signatories to the intergovernmental agreement on the environment, the ACT Government will accept certain obligations in relation to a national strategy for the conservation of Australia's endangered species and ecological communities. Similarly, following ratification of the convention on biological diversity, the ACT Government will participate in implementation of a national strategy for the conservation of Australia's biological diversity.
The proposed provisions establish a flora and fauna advisory committee whose main task would be to provide independent and expert advice to the Government on the conservation status of the native plants and animals and ecological communities of the ACT. Should the committee determine that a species or community is threatened, that its extinction is foreseen if circumstances threatening its well-being in the wild continue to prevail, then the Minister may declare the species to be either vulnerable or endangered, depending on the degree of threat, or declare the community to be endangered.
This action would set in train a statutory process to provide greater protection for the species or community concerned. Firstly, a species declared to be endangered, that is, in immediate danger of extinction, would have extra protective provisions apply by also being declared to have special protection status. Secondly, the conservator would be required to prepare an action statement outlining conservation proposals for the species or community. The advisory committee would also be responsible for identifying and assessing the ecological significance of processes that are potentially threatening to the survival in the wild of native species and communities. The Minister may respond to a committee recommendation by declaring a threatening process. The conservator would be required to prepare an action statement outlining management proposals to control the impact of a threatening process.
It is also proposed to address broader objectives for conservation of the ACT's biological diversity by providing for the Conservator of Wildlife to prepare a nature conservation strategy for the ACT. This document would contain proposals for ensuring the continuing survival in the wild of the native flora and fauna of the ACT, with particular attention being given to the management of potentially threatening processes and the development of community programs, including education programs, to promote nature conservation. The nature conservation strategy would involve extensive public consultation.
I would also like to foreshadow an amendment to the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 which is currently under development and relates to this Bill. It is proposed that there be a provision for ministerial orders to be placed on activities which affect the conservation requirements of a species or community which has been declared by the Minister to be vulnerable and endangered. Madam Speaker, this is the second very significant piece of legislation that I have presented to this Assembly in two days - this one for public discussion. Again, this reflects the highest priority that the Government gives to protection and care of the ACT environment.
Debate (on motion by Mr Westende) adjourned.
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