Page 2028 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993
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Captain Cook Memorial Water Jet
MR MOORE: Madam Speaker, my question is to the Chief Minister and has to do with the expenditure of ACT money compared to the expenditure of Commonwealth money. It refers to page 300 of the ACT Gazette No. 14, in which we see two contracts arranged for the repair of the Captain Cook jet involving a total of $32,000 to $33,000. Can the Chief Minister explain to the Assembly whether these repairs were paid for by the Commonwealth Government or the ACT Government, and what should be the case?
MS FOLLETT: I thank Mr Moore for the question. I have had a long wait, Madam Speaker. Thank you very much.
Mr Moore: And for informing you.
MS FOLLETT: I also thank him for giving me a bit of notice of it. Madam Speaker, the short answer to Mr Moore's question is that the Commonwealth has provided funding for both of these projects. The ACT Government manages and maintains Lake Burley Griffin, including the Captain Cook jet, on behalf of the Commonwealth. On this occasion the two contracts that were tendered for were for essential repairs to the Captain Cook jet and some associated pipe work. The first, No. 211140, was for welding and repair of a hole in the main pipeline, at a cost of $12,250; and the second, No. 211141, was for the design, construction and installation of stainless steel components of that jet, at a cost of $20,385. I repeat, Madam Speaker, that, whilst the ACT manages these facilities, we do so on behalf of the Commonwealth and it was the Commonwealth who provided the funding. The contracts were prepared by ACT Public Works within the Department of Urban Services in the usual way.
I ask that further questions be placed on the notice paper, Madam Speaker.
MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister): Madam Speaker, pursuant to section 6 of the Subordinate Laws Act 1989, I present subordinate legislation in accordance with the schedule of gazettal notices for determinations and regulations.
The schedule read as follows:
Agents Act - Determination of fees - No. 53 of 1993 (S107, dated 15 June 1993).
Co-operative Societies Act - Determination of fees - No. 52 of 1993 (G24, dated 16 June 1993).
Electoral Act - Electoral Regulations - No. 24 of 1993 (S106, dated 11 June 1993).
Land (Planning and Environment) Act - Determination of criteria for direct grants of Crown leases - No. 54 of 1993 (S108, dated 16 June 1993).
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