Page 2005 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993
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I think it is very important, Madam Speaker, that the contribution that an Assembly committee can make to this process be made in a timeframe that does not delay the legislation and does not delay the negotiation process that is already under way. In light of those remarks, Madam Speaker, I foreshadow that I will be moving some amendments to Mr De Domenico's motion. I have circulated some amendments. I advise members that I shall not be proceeding with amendment No. 1; that amendment No. 2 stands; and that amendment No. 3 will be changed to read in a fashion that I understand has been agreed amongst members of the Assembly.
Madam Speaker, my main concern with the establishment of an ACT public service - putting aside my belief that it ought to be the best public service and that it ought to set an example for other public services - is as to timing. I have previously advised the Assembly that I expected to introduce legislation late this year and that I expected to leave that legislation on the table, so to speak, for debate until early in 1994 - in February of 1994. I would not want to see that timetable slip. If the committee considers that legislation and reports prior to the in-principle debate on the legislation, then it will give the Government an opportunity to respond to the report, to amend the legislation if amendment is needed, and to still ensure that the legislation is in place by 1 July 1994. Hence, I will be moving my amendments at the appropriate time.
MR MOORE (11.34): Madam Speaker, I think this is an important issue. It is an issue not just for government or for this Assembly but for the people of the ACT. By establishing a committee such as this, there will be opportunity for wide-ranging consultation and an input by people. At the same time, the Chief Minister has set out a timetable and has explained to us why that timetable is important. I think members would agree that that is an appropriate way to respond. I am pleased that it was possible to come to an agreement on the form of this committee and the terms of reference. I hope that the committee will be able to operate effectively within the timeframe that has been established between the ACT Government and the Federal Government.
The concept of having a separate ACT public service is particularly important to this Territory as a political entity. Madam Speaker, for that reason it is important for us to be able to come to an easy agreement. When committees have reported on legislation, the Assembly has been able to handle the legislation in a non-partisan way when it comes before it. The result hoped for here is that the transfer of parts of the Commonwealth Public Service to the ACT, the establishment of an ACT public service, will in fact be done in a way that can be seen as agreed by the Assembly without the sort of dissent that we see on some Bills - and appropriately so. It is an issue that we should be able to agree on. It is an issue that will affect the establishment of this Territory as a political entity and the running of this Territory for some time. Madam Speaker, I look forward to watching with interest the work of this committee.
MR KAINE (11.36): Madam Speaker, this Assembly has wrestled with some major issues during its short life, but I think that the issue that is dealt with by this motion - that is, the establishment of an ACT public service - will probably prove to be one of the most important issues that it will discuss in its lifetime. It is very important that we get it right before the public service is established, rather than afterwards, because it is in the lead-up to the establishment of it that its functions, its form, and its structure, and its corporate ethic will be defined. That will certainly determine what the public service does and how it does it for
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