Page 1976 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 16 June 1993

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The great majority of tenants who are housed in accordance with their full entitlement, view their flat as their permanent home. For these occupants the flat .complexes provide a convenient living environment particularly in relation to location and proximity to facilities. Many clients enjoy living in a communal environment and are eager to create a sense of community spirit.

Some Housing Trust clients accept flat accommodation as a temporary measure until accommodation that better meets their needs becomes available.

The ACT Housing Trust is aware, however, that there are problems at some of its flat complexes from time to time and it is addressing them in a positive manner. For example:

(a) Australian Federal Police carry out random car and foot patrols at specific complexes. Security patrols are also being carried out at selected complexes on a regular basis by the Australian Protective Service.

(b) there is regularly liaison with the police and they are invited to meetings with community groups to discuss the management and policing of its flat complexes.

(c) security screen doors are progressively being fitted to all flats. Tenants who have a particular need can request urgent installation of a screen door.

(d) vandal resistant and light sensitive lighting has now been installed at most complexes. Security is now a major feature in the design of ACT Housing Trust, complexes.


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