Page 1972 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 16 June 1993

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The difference in housing strategies between the Labor and Liberal Parties was highlighted most recently in the Federal Election campaign The "Fightback" package proposed the wholesale surrender of public ownership of government housing nationally through sale to the private sector, and substantial reduction in capital funding of state housing authorities, which would have had a significant impact on public housing within the ACT.


(3) The Government believes that public tenants should have a broad choice in the location of their housing. This enables them to be close to their place of employment and existing support networks, including family and friends, whether in Tuggeranong, Belconnen, inner Canberra or other locations. The Government is therefore committed to the objective of preserving the distribution of public housing throughout Canberra. Unfettered sale of public housing would jeopardise the ongoing achievement of this objective.


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