Page 1919 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 16 June 1993
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MADAM SPEAKER: Members, I present, for your information, the annual report of the Legislative Assembly Members Superannuation Board.
Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:
That the Assembly takes note of the paper.
Papers and Ministerial Statement
MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning): Madam Speaker, for the information of members, I present approval of variations to the Territory Plan known as the revised Territory Plan, pursuant to section 29 of the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, these variations are presented with the background papers, a copy of the summaries and reports, and a copy of any direction or report required, and maps. Madam Speaker, I ask for leave to make a statement.
Leave granted.
MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, this variation to the Territory Plan replaces the existing Territory Plan made under Part 3 of the Interim Planning Act 1990. The document is a major achievement for the ACT Government and I would like to make some brief comments about the making of the plan and its significance for the Territory.
Madam Speaker, at this time I have two complementary feelings about this exercise. The first is a sense of relief that a long and sometimes demanding project is nearing completion. It has taken three years of formulation, consultation, negotiation, assessment and inquiry. The preparation of the plan has been a major task of the ACT Planning Authority almost since self-government, and it has involved an enormous input from the citizens of Canberra. I will repeat the remarks that Mr Lamont made recently about the enormous energy and the high quality of work that has gone into this plan from all the people of the ACT Planning Authority.
My second feeling is a sense of pride that the ACT Government has produced a quality result - a plan that is responsive to the needs of Canberra and which provides a sound basis for the future planning and development of the Territory. I should acknowledge the contribution of all members of this Assembly. Certainly, this plan was processed for a time under the leadership of Mr Kaine, and it has been one in which everybody in this Assembly has had a considerable involvement. The plan will be the vehicle by which the Government can put into place the policies that we have developed to protect the special quality of Canberra, yet allow for appropriate growth, change and conservation. I believe that it will be warmly welcomed by the community.
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