Page 1899 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 16 June 1993
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I reluctantly support the move by Ms Szuty to refer this matter to a committee. I say "reluctantly" because I do believe that often this Assembly gets itself into a terrible mess when simple pieces of legislation could be resolved on the floor of the house if only people were prepared to stand up and address matters in a commonsense, sensible manner. Instead, we end up with all this nonsense from people like Mr Moore, who wishes to attack people, apparently, because we are opposed to fun and because if we take some firm action, as we should as an Assembly, we might be leading to further rejection of the young.
Debate (on motion by Ms Szuty) adjourned.
Reference - Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No. 2) 1992
MS SZUTY (11.52): I ask for leave to move a motion concerning the Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No. 2) 1992.
Leave granted.
MS SZUTY: I move:
That, notwithstanding the provisions of standing order 174 -
(1) The Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No. 2) 1992 be referred to the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs for inquiry and report by 16 December 1993.
(2) On the Committee presenting its report to the Assembly, resumption of debate on the question "That this Bill be agreed to in principle" be set down as an order of the day for the next sitting.
On first seeing and reflecting on the Bill proposed by Mr Humphries, I felt, as many other people have, that these were punitive measures which would be applied to cyclists, skateboarders and rollerbladers. I have listened very intently today to the debate on the Bill, and I take on board a number of comments that both Mr Connolly and Mr Moore have made about the importance of being proactive in situations where we can be and promoting the needs of all groups within our community to participate in our society.
I would also like to take up comments made by Mr De Domenico about the Queen Street Mall in Brisbane. Mr De Domenico was quite right in stating that a question was asked about whether skateboarders and rollerbladers have any access to the Queen Street Mall in Brisbane. The answer was no. Certainly, that is an accurate reflection of what happened. Notwithstanding that, that certainly does not mean that the members of the Planning Committee who were present at that time agreed with the action that has been taken by the Queen Street Mall management.
Mr De Domenico: I did not say that. I did not say that you agreed with anything.
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