Page 1871 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 15 June 1993

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(3) Media Monitors Pty Ltd.

(4)(5) If an item listed on the printed

summary is not on the audio tape, inquiries should

first be made to the Government Relations Section

in the Chief Ministers Department before a

transcript is ordered. On some days there are more

items than will fit on a double sided audio tape

(generally only one or two). In this case a single

extra tape is provided to Government Relations by

Media Monitors Pty Ltd to save the extra cost of

providing a second tape with only one or two items

on it to all recipients of the service. Inquirers

may obtain/borrow a copy of the second tape if it

is needed.

Infrequently, an item is left off, perhaps because of a short tape; in this case, Media Monitors Pty Ltd will provide a tape or a transcript at no cost to the inquirer or the Government. However, if a transcript is required in addition to the tape it is charged to the office ordering.

(6) Media Monitors Pty Ltd won the contract on a competitive basis. This contract has now expired, however, and the company is being retained on the same terms and conditions pending a broader internal review of public affairs functions generally in the Chief Ministers Department following the abolition of the Public Affairs Branch.

(7) There are 19 individuals on the distribution list for this service, including the 17 MLAs, the Chief Ministers Media Advisor, and the Head of the Chief Ministers Department.


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