Page 1760 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 15 June 1993

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real needs, but their needs, up until now, have not been able to be met by government programs. We will also be providing in that $300,000-odd some $150,000 to the attendant care program, which again is a very vital program supporting the personal and home care needs of people with physical disabilities. Out of that money, we expect that approximately 10 additional individuals will benefit from this expanded program.

Together, the first and second stages of the 1993 funding round under the disability services grants program account for 21 new accommodation places, 24 new places in day support programs and the capacity to assist many more people with disabilities to access the full range of community services that the rest of us take for granted. When the Government put through this Assembly the Disability Services Act about 18 months ago we promised that there would be good news down the pipeline for people with disabilities in the ACT, and I am pleased that today we have delivered on that promise.

Mr Cornwell: Would the Minister table the paper he was referring to, please, Madam Speaker? We so rarely have a chance to see his media statements.

MR CONNOLLY: I am delighted to provide Mr Cornwell with a copy of my media statement spreading the good news about this Labor Government getting on with the job and delivering services to this community.

Native Land Titles

MR DE DOMENICO: My question without notice is to the Chief Minister. I refer the Chief Minister to comments made last week by the Ngunnawal Council member, Michelle House, who lodged a Mabo-style land claim over all of the ACT and much of its surrounds, where she said:

It wouldn't be good to see land taken off hard-working farmers, but they are going to have to start paying royalties to the Aboriginal people.

Does the ACT Government support the Aboriginal people with regard to this statement?

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, can I make it clear that the quote that Mr De Domenico made was by Ms House, not by me.

Mr De Domenico: That is right. That is what I said.

MS FOLLETT: No, you said "she".

Mr De Domenico: No, I said "Ms Michelle House", not "this house".


MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, this is not the moment to go into the very complex detail of a particular claim, and I say that - - -

Mr De Domenico: Why not?

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