Page 1427 - Week 05 - Thursday, 13 May 1993

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MR MOORE: I have a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. Mr Wood, in his answer, said that there was nothing to induce him to take that inquiry further. I point out that the Planning Institute, the Institute of Architects, the Residents Association and the Conservation Council all commented that an inquiry was the appropriate way to go. Madam Speaker, with the permission of the Assembly I would like to table the letter I wrote to Mr Wood, which is only a little more than a page long. Mr Wood, I think you will recall that it was not so broad - - -

Mrs Grassby: That is not a question.

MR MOORE: I am getting to the question. It was not really as broad as you have suggested, but dealt simply with the impact of design and siting and the procedure by which the development has progressed.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am being extremely indulgent here, Mr Moore. Is leave granted for Mr Moore to table his letter?

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Madam Speaker. That is appreciated.

Mr Wood: I think there was a question in that supplementary.

MADAM SPEAKER: Is there a question?

MR MOORE: The question was: What would induce you to come up with an inquiry, considering all those issues?

MR WOOD: Let us be precise. Going back to the first part of what purported to be a supplementary question - - -

Mr Moore: I had to give you the background.

MR WOOD: Mr Moore, let me make it quite clear. I said that at this stage I have not heard anything that would induce me. I did not say that there is nothing there, but I have not heard anything that would convince me that I need an inquiry. I received five letters, and I think the process behind those letters was straight out of one of the lobbyist manuals that are available from our shops.

Mr Moore: Yes, but these are pretty prominent groups.

MR WOOD: Very prominent groups, and I listened to them carefully. But it was simply a repetition of what I have heard before. Let me emphasise that I respect each of those groups and I have not ignored them, but in addition to the request for an inquiry that was raised with me I would want something specific about the processes at that time - processes that were readily accepted by the Assembly committee.

Mr Moore: Yes, I agree with that.

MR WOOD: Yes, they were readily accepted by the Assembly committee. I have not heard anything since then to make me say that I should go further.

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