Page 1291 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 11 May 1993

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(3) During the period since the closure of Short Cuts, my Government and the Short Cuts Management Committee have made arrangements for basic information and referral services to continue. Youth specific support services are being provided by the Civic Youth Centre, augmented by information services provided by the Citizens Advice Bureau. This utilises the expertise of both bodies to ensure the continuity of basic information and referral services to young people in the ACT. Advertisements were placed on Saturday 6 March calling for expressions of interest from groups or organisations prepared to undertake the functions previously performed by Short Cuts. An announcement on the successful body will be made within six weeks.

(4) No funds have been returned to my Department by the Short Cuts Management Committee at this time. The closure of the service in its previous form resulted from concerns by the Management Committee about its ability to comply with the funding agreement.

(5) The interim service delivery arrangements with the Citizens Advice Bureau were made on the understanding that they would provide young people with prompt access to information. The Bureau maintains a comprehensive data base of Government and community services and is well placed to provide accurate information to young people.

(6) The Youth Affairs Unit has recently provided the Citizens Advice Bureau with a one off payment of $750 to meet the costs of updating Short Cuts information card for young people and other information sheets normally available to youth services.


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