Page 1280 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 11 May 1993

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(9) The occupancy rates for Hennessy House for the periods specified were:

July-December 1990 - 97.0%

1991 - 93.7%

1992 - 96.6%

As occupancy rates for Hennessy House have only been formally collected since July 1990, data for the period before July 1990 is not available.

(10) When beds do become vacant, they are seldom vacant for more than a day.

The staff employed at Hennessy House for the above period have remained constant at 20 staff.

(11) The Capital Territory Health Commission Proposed Forward New Capital Works Program for 1983/84 - 1986/87 estimated the cost of establishing such a hostel at $1.6m. An exhaustive file search has failed to reveal a final establishment cost A change of staffing and overall responsibility for the project over a number of years is likely to be the reason for the unavailability of this detail.

(12) The running costs of Hennessy House by salaries and other costs in (a) 1989; (b) 1990; (c) 1991; and (d) 1992 were as follows:

FAY Salaries Other Costs Revenue Net Deficit

$000 $000 $000 $000

88/89 725.8 206.0 71.0 931.8

89/90 782.2 156.6 77.4 938.8

90/91 828.2 155.2 107.5 983.4

91/92 894.6 159.1 118.7 1053.7

(13) Admission criteria for Hennessy House:

(a) a person who has a psychiatric illness with priority given to a person with a

psychotic illness; and

(b) either:

a person who has rehabilitation needs which can be assisted by admission to Hennessy House; or

a person who has a level of continuing disability which requires 24 hour care; and

(c) a persons behaviour is not likely to present a risk of serious harm to other

residents or staff, ie can be managed within staffing and physical resources.


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