Page 1272 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 11 May 1993

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b) the construction of a new building housing the 15 bed hospice facility adjoining Residence C, together with the renovation of Residence C to accommodate the required ancillary facilities.

The cost estimates included renovations to Residence B to accommodate the RMOs relocated from Residence C.

The estimate for the construction of the stand alone facility was for $2.5 million and for the construction of a hospice adjacent to Residence C, $2.1 million.

The building works for the facility to be located at Acton were estimated by Richard Glenn and Associates at $2.4 million.

(2) The original intention was to co locate the hospice with other health facilities on

Acton Peninsula and to provide support services from a common source.

As this is not possible in the short term, operational areas that have been identified as needing consideration include the catering, laundry and engineering services. The stand alone facility also requires the construction of a kitchen and laundry which were not included in the original estimates.

A number of other issues which need to be considered in the context of the long term development of Acton Peninsula include security, parking and transport to acute hospital services.

Preliminary design plans have indicated that the hospice facility can be completed within the original budget.

(3) The community model of service provision chosen for the hospice will enable

recurrent costs to be kept within an acceptable level.

(4) No correspondence has been received from the Board of Health however, the

Chief Executive of ACT Health has kept me informed of issues arising in

relation to the construction of the hospice.

(5) A hospice is a specialised health facility, employing complex medical and nursing

techniques for symptom control and family support. Care in a discrete facility,

purpose built to meet special needs will be complemented by access to hospital

diagnostic and treatment facilities as required.

A number of members of the Working Party and Steering Committee for the hospice have inspected facilities interstate and the construction of a positive, homely environment in a tranquil setting on Acton will meet the special needs of the hospice clientele.

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