Page 1262 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 11 May 1993

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because I think it offered an opportunity to show a bit of leadership to the rest of the country on this matter. In any event, the Labor Party is very proud to have brought the Boxing Control Bill before this Assembly and, of course, we will all reap the benefits of that because of the regulation that will apply; but we could have reaped a lot more.

MR MOORE (10.05): Clause 20 was flawed in its conception and flawed in its execution. It seems to me that what Mr Berry is now trying to hide by his method of attack is simply that he has done such a bad job on it. What he is now trying to do is to put violence into our community. He is promoting more and more violence in our community by driving things underground, by making sure that there is no control system in this community. It is his children that he is exposing to this sort of violence. That man sitting over there with that smirk on his face does not even have the intelligence to understand the ramifications of what he is doing.

Mr Berry: Does he have a right to speak? Madam Speaker, I take a point of order. I think that Mr Moore has had a little speak.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

MR MOORE: Madam Speaker, the - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Just a minute, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: May I ask him what standing order he is referring to?

MADAM SPEAKER: That is exactly what I was going to check, Mr Moore. You have already spoken to this amendment, have you not?

MR MOORE: Yes, that is right. I am entitled to speak twice to an amendment, of course.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am a bit weary, so I have lost track of it. That is what I thought. That is fine.

MR MOORE: If he could even learn his standing orders he would get somewhere.

MADAM SPEAKER: I was in error in that particular case, Mr Moore. Please continue.

MR MOORE: Madam Speaker, I certainly did not refer to you. Mr Berry was simply trying it on, Madam Speaker, and it seems to me - - -

Mr Berry: Give him a copy of my press release.


MR MOORE: It seems that all we have seen here is a series of entirely inappropriate personal attacks. The rest of us are quite capable of doing exactly the same thing as Mr Berry, instead of arguing logically and rationally as indeed we have for this position. That has been the major contrast between the arguments put on this side of the house and the arguments put on that side.

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