Page 949 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 30 March 1993

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Ministerial Statement

Debate resumed.

MR BERRY: This will take only a moment. Madam Speaker, it has been a matter of some joy to me to be able to climb to my feet this evening and talk about Medicare and once again to point out to the people of the ACT, for the record, that the Liberals are carrying the same baggage. The people of the ACT will continue to be reminded of it. All of them over there - those that have bothered to turn up this evening - will have to wear - - -

Mr Cornwell: Come on; that is not quite fair.

MR BERRY: There are some legitimate reasons for some of them. Gary could not be here. He got such a hiding today that he is licking his wounds. The others are off crook. Mr Kaine is away doing business, and that is fair enough, too.

Mr Cornwell: Mr De Domenico is not well.

MR BERRY: No, he is off crook. So there are legitimate reasons for them all to be away.

Mr Cornwell: Why did you make the statement, then?

MR BERRY: Well, no; Mr Humphries is away licking his wounds, and I do not blame him. Madam Speaker, so here we are with Medicare in our laps. The Government is going to deliver it for the next three years and the people of the ACT are grinners, like us.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Assembly adjourned at 9.32 pm

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