Page 1155 - Week 04 - Thursday, 1 April 1993

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(9) If a Trust tenant is not permitted to sublease, is the Trust aware of any premises currently being sublet and what steps are being taken to rectify the situation.

MR. CONNOLLY - The answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) Yes.

(2) By applying in writing to the Housing Trust and meeting the stipulated sublet conditions.

(3) No, but the tenant is advised to arrange a sublease in writing. Yes.

(4) The tenant.

(5) No.

(6) Yes. The ACT Housing Trust has a right to evict any occupant of its premises when there has been a breach of the tenancy agreement. The Notice of Determination of Tenancy is directed to the legal tenant. Prior to any eviction proceeding the legal tenant can terminate the agreement with the sublessee. A new sub-tenancy can be arranged or the legal tenant can resume occupancy.

The sub-tenant can apply to register for Public Housing in the normal manner.

(7) Yes; it may for a short period. However, rent must continue to be paid. See also (6) above.

(8) Yes. Approval to sublet is granted on the condition that the tenant will be required to pay full rent.

As a sublessee - no. Refer to (6).

(9) Not applicable


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