Page 823 - Week 03 - Thursday, 25 March 1993

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I announced the Government's intention to establish the council in the 1992-93 budget context and called for nominations on 10 December 1992, the first day of the International Year of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

Extensive consultations were held with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations in developing the terms of reference for the council. During this process the community expressed a high degree of support for its establishment. The creation of the council also forms a part of the Government's implementation of the commitments made in response to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. One of the council's roles will be to monitor and advise on the implementation of the commitments made in response to the royal commission. The council will also investigate issues of concern, prepare proposals for my consideration and comment on the coordination and provision of services by the ACT Government to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Madam Speaker, the council will comprise 15 members - 11 community members and four representatives of the Bogong Regional Council of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. The representatives of the Bogong Regional Council will ensure coordination between the ACT Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. The chair of the council is Ms Kaye Mundine, who is in the chamber, and the deputy chair is Mr Percy Knight. Other community members who have been invited to accept positions on the council are Mr Paul Brandy, Ms Bonnie Brown, Ms Joanne Corbin, Ms Paula Dewis, Ms Matilda House, Mr Robert Huddleston, Ms Glenda Humes, Ms Kaye Price and Mr Thomas Smith. Members were chosen for their sound knowledge of issues relevant to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders, their ability to consult with and represent their community and their demonstrated commitment to the advancement of their people. Care was also taken to ensure that members represented the range of interests and groups within the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

As the major Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultative body for the ACT Government, the council will have a wide range of tasks. Matters it will be addressing immediately include the Government's celebration of the International Year of the World's Indigenous Peoples, and the establishment of an Aboriginal cultural centre and keeping place with money set aside from the casino premium. The formation of the council has produced a high level of anticipation in both the Government and the community for continued advances in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs. Madam Speaker, I am looking forward to working with the council to achieve this end. I present a copy of this statement, and I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Debate (on motion by Mr Humphries) adjourned.

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