Page 632 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 23 March 1993

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MR BERRY: One thing I can guarantee is that things will be much better by the middle of this year than they would have been if we had had to put up with the policies which were being promoted by Mrs Carnell before. It never ceases to amaze me how people like Mrs Carnell can preach about health when they supported what was planned for the ACT prior to the Federal election. This Government is committed to immunisation, as it has demonstrated in the past. I note what you have said about the NHMRC in relation to that particular immunisation plan. I am not fully aware of all of the details about that matter, but I can say to you that, where it fits into our commitment to immunisation here in the ACT, we will continue to support immunisation programs, including this one, within the resources available to Health.

Mr Kaine: Do you know what it is, Minister?

MR BERRY: I have told you that I am not aware of all of the details and - - -

Mr Kaine: No. You would be more honest if you said that you did not know anything about it.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please! Mr Berry has the floor.

MR BERRY: To use an old and borrowed line, Madam Speaker, there is no room for duds in the Liberal Party; all the jobs have been taken. If you want to sit there and interject, I will play the game with you; but, as for answering the question, I have said that I do not have all the details. I will say to you now that we will continue with our commitment to immunisation, and haemophilus B will be part of that consideration.

MRS CARNELL: I ask a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. As 25 Canberra children a year contract infantile meningitis, of whom we could expect in May, June and July of this year at least one to die, and possibly two or three of them to be permanently incapacitated, I again ask the Minister whether we can look to having HIB vaccine available this year to solve the problems that those children will inevitably have if we do not, as a matter of urgency.

MR BERRY: Why do you not put it on notice? I told you. I gave the answer.

Road Funding

MR LAMONT: My question is directed to the Minister for Urban Services, and I do so as the Opposition spokesman probably has not yet had time to catch up on all the issues in his new area of responsibility. Can the Minister inform the Assembly whether any additional funding for roads has been granted by the Keating Labor Government?

Ms Ellis: The which Labor Government?

MR LAMONT: The Keating Labor Government.

MR CONNOLLY: This Labor Government continues to work very closely with the Commonwealth Labor Government, and the people of Canberra have benefited from that, with black spot road funding, quite significantly in recent years. I am pleased to be able to announce to the Assembly that we have again benefited to the tune of some half a million dollars.

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