Page 619 - Week 02 - Thursday, 25 February 1993

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(2) Between July 1988 and December 1992, the cost per Executive increased by

31 % for SES Band 1, 29% for SES Band 2 and 34% for SES Band 3. This

compared with an increase in average weekly earnings over the same period

of 22%.

(3) 14 SES officers now receive a car for private use compared with 8 in 1988.

All these officers make a contribution towards the running cost of their vehicle

in line with ACT Government Guidelines.

(4) It is estimated that the cost to ACTEW per vehicle for these SES cars is currently $6,752.60 p.a. Comparable figures for 1988 are not available. However, the Public Service Commission currently costs SES vehicle expenses in its remuneration packages as $7,500 p.a. compared to $8,000 p.a. in 1988.

(5) The most recent increase in tariffs for household power and household water were 5% and 4% respectively. This compares with a CPI increase over the relevant period of 1.9% for Australia as a whole and 2.6% in the ACT

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