Page 528 - Week 02 - Thursday, 25 February 1993

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Vocational Training Authority - Appointments

MR WOOD: From the "G" for Greg file: Yesterday Mr Cornwell asked me about the VTA, its current state of membership and whether a meeting had lapsed. I will table the information, if I may. There are currently six members of the VTA and action is about completed on filling the three vacancies. We have to get the so-called Bowen letters back yet. I can further advise that no recent meetings of the VTA have been cancelled because of a lack of a quorum; however a meeting of the executive committee proposed for 1 February was inquorate due to the unavailability of an employer representative. Madam Speaker, I seek leave for this to be incorporated in Hansard.

Leave granted.

Document incorporated at Appendix 1.



MADAM SPEAKER: Members, I present, for your information, a report provided to me by Mr Gary Humphries, MLA. I present the following paper:

Study trip - Report by Mr G. Humphries, MLA - Community Safety and Crime Prevention Conference, Melbourne, 19 November 1992.


MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister): For the information of members, pursuant to the Audit Act 1989, I present the following papers:

Audit Act -

Bruce Stadium - Financial statements, including the Auditor-General's report, for 1991-92.

Office of Sport and Recreation - Financial statements, including the Auditor-General's report, for 1991-92.

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