Page 493 - Week 02 - Thursday, 25 February 1993

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I am opposed to this because it has not been discussed with us in any way. No reasons have been put forward, except that, as Mr Moore said in his introductory speech, it suits him and Ms Szuty. Do we put members on committees of this Assembly, do we allow them positions on committees way beyond their entitlement under our standing orders, simply because it suits them? If that is the rationale, you have to accept the next amendment I put forward that says that every committee of the Assembly shall have an additional Liberal on it, because that suits us. We do not have enough representation on those committees and I want an additional Liberal on every committee.

Are you going to buy that? Mr Connolly is not. Look at the sneer on his face. Of course he is not going to buy it, but he buys it from Mr Moore because they have some deal cooking, and we will see the results of that at some time in the next few weeks. Madam Speaker, I am appalled.

Mr Berry: You are making a big fool of yourself.

MR KAINE: I am not making a fool of myself. I am showing you up for what you are.

MS SZUTY (11.12): Madam Speaker, first of all, I want to refute Mr Kaine's accusation about not discussing this with the Opposition. In fact, I discussed it with your Opposition Whip yesterday afternoon in the chamber. This morning, as a courtesy, I came to see Mr Cornwell and Mr Humphries.

Mr De Domenico: What were you told by the Whip, though, Ms Szuty?

MS SZUTY: Madam Speaker, this was discussed with the Opposition Whip yesterday in the chamber. It was something that I wanted the Opposition to be acquainted with before this motion was moved today. Mr Moore's motion nominates Mr Moore and me to membership of two Assembly committees on which we are not represented. They are the Legal Affairs Committee, chaired by Mr Humphries, and the Public Accounts Committee, chaired by Mr Kaine. Our platform states quite explicitly that the role of Assembly committees should be strengthened. Mr Moore and I believe that these two Assembly committees will work more productively with us represented on them. The committees of the Assembly - comprising as they do, Government, Opposition and Independent members - work well in a non-political manner on most occasions to resolve issues by consensus, generally by means of public inquiry. Mr Moore and I are therefore keen to take up our responsibilities by nominating ourselves for the two committees on which we are not currently represented.

I am also seeking discharge from the Social Policy Committee, Mr Moore being keen to take my place. I want to say on the record that my decision in no way reflects on the current membership of the Social Policy Committee and that I have thoroughly enjoyed my work with Ms Ellis as presiding member, Mrs Grassby, Mrs Carnell and Mr Cornwell, most particularly in examining aged accommodation and support services, our inquiry being completed in 1992. Madam Speaker, this discharge will take effect from the time the Social Policy Committee presents to you on 16 March its report on the Adoption Bill 1992. Mr Moore's Select Committee on Drugs will be dissolved shortly, at the wish of this Assembly, and he is keen to pursue his interest in social issues. This will suit me at this time, as my work on the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee in particular, which is currently considering the Territory Plan, takes up much of my time.

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