Page 491 - Week 02 - Thursday, 25 February 1993
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Madam Speaker, it has been obvious in this Assembly that the issue has been raised as to whether the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs in particular has been working particularly well. Although the issue has not been raised in terms of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Ms Szuty and I in discussion, and in discussion with other members, determined that we were prepared to take a place on those committees. In doing so, we feel that it would suit our own interests, and, we believe, the interests of the Assembly as a whole and the interests of the community, if Ms Szuty were discharged from the Standing Committee on Social Policy and I took her place there. As much as anything, this would more evenly distribute our workload.
Motion (by Mr Kaine) put:
That the debate be adjourned.
The Assembly voted -
AYES, 7 NOES, 10
Mrs Carnell Mr Berry
Mr Cornwell Mr Connolly
Mr De Domenico Ms Ellis
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Kaine Mrs Grassby
Mr Stevenson Mr Lamont
Mr Westende Ms McRae
Mr Moore
Ms Szuty
Mr Wood
Question so resolved in the negative.
MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (11.07): Madam Speaker, I moved the adjournment of this debate because it had not been discussed with me. I remind members that I do happen to be - - -
Mr Berry: You cannot speak to it.
MR KAINE: I am debating the motion, Minister. Do you mind? I am entitled to debate this motion, am I not, or are you going to come up with some standing order that says that I cannot even debate the issue now?
Mr Berry: I thought you were debating the adjournment. My apologies.
MR KAINE: I moved the adjournment because this is a not insignificant issue. The matter has not been discussed with me in any way, and I remind members of the Assembly that I do remain Leader of the Opposition, although members opposite would like that not to be the case. If somebody is going to move for the restructuring of committees, surely it is a matter that should be discussed broadly and openly before it is jackbooted through this house. If Mr Moore and Ms Szuty have some interest in changing their membership on committees, why did they not come and discuss it with me?
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