Page 440 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 24 February 1993

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MR BERRY: That is amazing. You are getting a bit edgy, Mr De Domenico.

Mr De Domenico: I am not getting edgy at all.

MR BERRY: Well, the nose is growing. Fightback states:

The savings from Departmental changes and from the closure of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission will not be expected until the second year. This will allow the first year savings from these decisions to be used for redundancy payments.

So they are doing occupational health and safety - - -

Mr Humphries: That is not Worksafe, you dill.

MR BERRY: Madam Speaker, I do not have to put up with that.

MADAM SPEAKER: That was unparliamentary, Mr Humphries. I do not think you should refer to Mr Berry as a dill.

Mr Humphries: I quickly and joyfully withdraw.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Humphries. Please continue, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Occupational health and safety as a national focus will go under the Liberals, because it is clear that they are opposed to those sorts of standard setting organisations. The commission is a standard setting organisation which has been ensuring uniformity of standards across Australia for its life. It was set up in 1985 as part of the Labor strategy to improve conditions for workers in this country. All the Liberals seem to be interested in is undoing all of those provisions. This is another attempt, under Fightback, to undo those important features of Labor's reign in Federal Parliament. Hundreds more Australian workers are alive today and thousands more workers are injury free because of the work of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission.

These people opposite support the establishment of a Hewson government which will tear down those structures. Their aim is to tear down those structures. The ones who will suffer in Australia are the workers. They are the ones who will suffer as a result of a Hewson government supported by the people opposite. That might explain their activities this morning.

Ms Follett: Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Women - Protection from HIV

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, on 23 February I took on notice a question from Mrs Carnell regarding the ACT Government's actions to protect from HIV women whose partners are bisexual. My answer to Mrs Carnell's question is as follows: Madam Speaker, there are a number of HIV education initiatives being funded in the ACT aimed at protecting women from HIV infection. Some of these initiatives target women themselves, and others target other risk populations, such as bisexual men. The ACT Government funds the AIDS Action Council to contact and educate bisexual men through a number of projects.

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