Page 371 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 23 February 1993

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MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Humphries. I did consider the advice and I take your point that there are, possibly, two different interpretations of a "sitting"; but, as always, whenever something is not clear in this book, we refer to our green book. My understanding of this green book is that a "sitting" is the duration of a sitting until it is adjourned. On the day on which this Bill was introduced the sitting was adjourned. Therefore - - -

Mr Humphries: The house was adjourned.

MADAM SPEAKER: The house was adjourned.

Mr Humphries: With respect, the Assembly was adjourned on that day, not the sitting.

MADAM SPEAKER: No. I am ruling that the sitting was adjourned. I understand your point, Mr Humphries, but my understanding, on my advice on what the green book means, is that the Assembly was adjourned on that day. Therefore the sitting was adjourned on that day. Therefore we are enabled to discuss this matter of the Bill in principle on this day. My understanding of the spirit of standing order 172 is that a determination in principle is not made on the same day. I think I will let it sit there, Mr Humphries. You understand that a review of standing orders is being undertaken. Perhaps the Assembly would like to turn its attention to that detail and to the matters you have raised in clarification when considering the new set of standing orders. I think we can proceed.

Is it the wish of the Assembly to debate this order of the day concurrently with the Health (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1993? There being no objection, that course will be followed. I remind members that, in debating order of the day No. 1, they may also address their remarks to order of the day No. 2.

Motion (by Mrs Carnell) put:

That the debate be adjourned.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 8  NOES, 9 

Mrs Carnell Mr Berry
Mr Cornwell Mr Connolly
Mr De Domenico Ms Ellis
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Kaine Mrs Grassby
Mr Stevenson Mr Lamont
Ms Szuty Ms McRae
Mr Westende Mr Moore
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

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