Page 347 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 23 February 1993
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MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, he has been speaking for three minutes. I have been watching the time. I will leave the Minister for a couple more minutes and we will see how we go.
MR BERRY: It always seems longer when you are in pain - and no wonder, when we learn about these sorts of plans behind the scenes for the Liberals. It is these Liberals opposite that are supporting that sort of nonsense which is being attempted by the Federal Liberal Party. Madam Speaker, it will be left to the people of Australia to decide on this. I know that they will not cop hidden agendas.
Ms Follett: I ask that further questions be placed on the notice paper, Madam Speaker.
MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister): Pursuant to section 6 of the Subordinate Laws Act 1989, I present subordinate legislation in accordance with the schedule of a gazettal notice for Supreme Court Rules.
The schedule read as follows:
Supreme Court Act - Supreme Court Rules (Amendment) - No. 4 of 1993 (G19, dated 19 February 1993).
MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning): Madam Speaker, I think for the last time, pursuant to the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991, I present a lease for Campbell, section 14, block 24.
Ministerial Statement
MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement about the ACT breast screening clinic.
Leave granted.
MR BERRY: Madam Speaker, I should at the outset say that anybody that wanted to go to the Health building today to visit the launching of the breast screening program could have freely walked through the front doors and mounted the escalator or walked upstairs. While the announcement was going on I was happy to talk to another user of the health system who strolled in off the street. There was no policeman out there to stop Liberals from coming in. You could have walked in at any time.
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