Page 341 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 23 February 1993
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With particular reference to the Canberra Times article, it is incorrect to state that there remain no appeal rights. If the objectors believe that the process - and I emphasise the word "process" - required by the legislation or the plan has not been adhered to, they have rights to appeal to the AAT and, if they desire, to the Supreme Court. If objectors have a remaining concern, I urge them to make that appeal. I am more than prepared to see that process scrutinised, and I maintain that it can be well and truly justified.
Breast Cancer Screening Program Launch
MR HUMPHRIES: My question is to the Chief Minister in her capacity as Minister responsible for the status of women. I refer to the launch of the ACT breast cancer screening program at a function earlier today. May I congratulate the Chief Minister on the launch of this significant initiative and remind her of the Alliance Government's initiation of the project two years ago. Can the Minister tell the Assembly why Liberal members of parliament, particularly female members of parliament, both Federal and Territorial, were excluded from the guest list for this function when Labor ones were not? Can the Minister tell the Assembly whether Senator Margaret Reid's name was removed from the original guest list after the Federal election was called, at her direction or at the direction of her Federal counterpart, Mrs Ros Kelly? Were any unelected Labor candidates invited to the function? Is it ACT Government policy to use taxpayer-funded functions during Federal election campaigns to promote Labor candidates by parading them in front of TV cameras?
MR BERRY: Madam Speaker, I will take that question. The responsibility for the guest list lies with me, and people were appropriately invited to the launch. It is not something that has been kept a secret and nobody was excluded.
School Boards - Departmental Nominees
MS SZUTY: Madam Speaker, my question without notice is to the Minister for Education and Training. I refer the Minister to page 7 of the 17 February edition of Connections, the in-house journal of ACT Electricity and Water. Included on the notice board is a request for volunteers to serve as members on Department of Education school boards, which reads:
The Department of Education and Training is requesting expressions of interest from ACTEW employees who would be prepared to serve as departmental nominees on school boards in the ACT public education system.
What credentials and expertise are ACTEW employees likely to have which would enable them to represent the Department of Education and Training on school boards?
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