Page 96 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 16 February 1993

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Medium Density Housing
Development - Charnwood

Ms Szuty - asked the Minister for the Environment, Land and

Planning -

In relation to the medium density housing development located at Block 10, Section 17, Lhotsky Street, Charnwood -

(1) Is the Minister satisfied that this development conforms to existing design and siting guidelines.

(2) Is the ACT Planning Authority aware that the bathroom window of one of these medium density dwellings fronting Lhotsky Street is less than 700 millimetres from the footpath.

(3) Why was planning approval given for such a minimal setback for this unit from the footpath.

(4) Will the builder be required to provide screening for the bathroom window in question.

(5) Is the Minister aware of other examples of minimal setbacks approved for medium density developments.

(6) If yes, what are these examples.

(7) What action will the Minister take which will prevent such minimal setback provisions being implemented in the future.

Mr Wood - The answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) Yes. Neither the Development Conditions for the block in

question nor the standard Design and Siting Controls for

Town House Blocks require the building to be set back

from the street frontage. Building on, or close to,

front boundary is therefore permitted

(2) Yes.

(3) Easements,for drainage and gas supply were a major

constraint on the design of the complex. It was possible to build a unit forward of the main east-west easement unless it was positioned close to the front boundary. The ACT Planning Authority considered this to be acceptable as the only adjacent development was commercial , and because it was desirable to seek a maximum use of the site due to its proximity to the Charnwood group centre and public transport.


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