Page 306 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993

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Question No.436

Aboriginal Deaths in Custody - Officer Training

MR HUMPHRIES - Asked the Chief Minister upon notice on 24 November 1992:

In relation to an amount of $0.006m to be spent on officer training in response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (Budget Paper No. 2, page 178)

(1) What sort of training will be received by officers.

(2) How many officers will receive such training.

(3) Who will provide the training.

(4) How many Aboriginal people have died in custody in the ACT since 1980.

MS FOLLETT - The answer to the members question is as follows:

(1) Officers from juvenile justice Services will receive broad Aboriginal cultural awareness training with an emphasis on legal issues and community integration for young Aboriginal offenders.

(2)There are 40 officers in juvenile justice Services, all of whom will be given

the opportunity to receive training. Places may also be offered to related services.

(3)Training will involve a range of presenters from recognised Aboriginal

groups covering Aboriginal culture and development.

(4) The final report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody did not identify any of the Aboriginal deaths it investigated nationally as having occurred in the ACT. I am advised that since the Royal Commission concluded its studies no Aboriginal deaths in custody have been recorded in the ACT.


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