Page 288 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993

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Building and Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board

(1) Mr RJ. Yeomans (Chairperson)

Mr J.K. Hindmarsh

Mr B. OReilly

Mr J. Ste hens

Mr G. Wason

24/9/91 to 23/9/96 24/9/91 to 23/9/96 24/9/91 to 23/9/96 24/9/91 to 23/9/96 24/9/91 to 23/9/96

(2) Administers the portable scheme of long service benefits established by

the Act in respect to employees and contractors engaged in the building

and construction industry m the ACT. Establishes and maintains the

Employers Register and the Employees and Contractors Register.

Members (and the two deputies) under the Act by the Minister for up to five years and are eligible reappointment.

(4) 5 males and 0 females.

(5) Chairperson specified office rate of fee per annum $9821 (from 15.8.91) -

Remuneration Tribunal det no. 26 of 1991 refers.

Member - specified office - rate per diem $194 (from 15.8.91) Remuneration Tribunal det no. 26 of 1991 refers.

Travel allowance (for chairperson and Members) Sydney $230; Capital cities $190; other than capital cities $145.

(6) SOGC ($46457) x 1

AS05 ($35474) x 1

AS04 ($32568) x 1

AS03 ($29045) x 2

All above officers work 100% for the Board.

There have been three publications:

Guidelines to the ACT Long Service Leave Scheme at a cost of $8069.00. This was distributed to all employers and employees when first printed and is now available on request;

Multilingual pamphlet on the Long Service Leave Scheme at a cost of $3860.00. This was distributed to all registered with the LSL Board;

Summary of the Annual Report at a cost of $663.00. This was distributed to all employers and employees when first printed and is now available on request.


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