Page 256 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993
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One would expect that there would be a reaction from local politicians, a couple of headlines and so on. What has seemed to create a great deal more fervour is the mere coincidence of the Federal election campaign with Mr Stefaniak running. He has no qualities at all politically, except for his supporters within the police area who might be able to engender a bit of media interest in the issues around this funding matter. Then the local politicians got involved in the hysteria. One of the most disgraceful episodes was this report in the Community Times. I will hold up a bigger version so that people can see it. It says, "No Go Area - Terror Stalks Civic After Dark". There is a very unkind picture of Mrs Carnell there.
Debate interrupted.
MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:
That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Ms Follett: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.
Question resolved in the negative.
Discussion of Matter of Public Importance
Debate resumed.
MR BERRY: There we have this hysterical headline, "No Go Area - Terror Stalks Civic After Dark", and an unkind picture of Kate Carnell.
Mr Humphries: Mrs Carnell wrote the headline, yes!
MR BERRY: Well, certainly she was behind it. My reaction to that is: Keep Mrs Carnell off the streets, and we would have no more trouble. Madam Speaker, we have seen a reaction from the police management. The acting assistant commissioner made it very clear in his report to me whilst Acting Minister. I quote:
Public figures and the Australian Federal Police Association have allegedly made statements not based on fact.
He goes on to say:
Inaccurate statements made by public figures -
referring to our politicians who have hitched their wagon to this -
have the potential to cause unnecessary alarm and unwarranted fear of crime amongst groups such as the elderly and women.
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