Page 130 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 17 February 1993
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difficulty there. Then I have the 1993 block and section map, which is different again. It shows block 17 going all the way round the Acton Peninsula, and it is the 1993 block and section map that I have provided for members to indicate exactly what it is that I am interested in ensuring is protected.
A senior public servant from the leases area was kind enough to ring my office in the last few minutes and explain the difficulty that had arisen with the block and section map, and I might just share that with members. Apparently, up until 1990 it was all block 5, as is indicated in the block and section map. In November 1990 there were some changes to the block around the ferry terminal which translated into the renumbering of block 5 to block 17. Unfortunately, in producing the 1991 and 1992 maps, block 17 was numbered only around West Basin and the bit around the peninsula stayed as block 5. For the 1993 map, someone realised the typographical error and rectified it to make the total area block 17.
That explains some confusion in the house about the import of my motion. In preparing this motion, I had been using the 1992 block and section map, which was the logical thing to do in 1992, and other members either had referred to previous block and section maps or perhaps were privy to the changes that had already been made. There was some more information that is not particularly relevant to us. To clarify the situation, I have included in that map a line across the Acton Peninsula showing the area I am referring to in the motion. As far as I am concerned, the amendment Mr Stevenson has put up is not adequate and I will vote against it. I will consider the amendment to be put by Mr Berry.
Amendment (Mr Stevenson's) negatived.
Amendments (by Mr Berry), by leave, proposed:
Omit "directs the Government", substitute "notes the Labor Party's priority for the next 3 years".
Paragraph (1), omit ", namely sections 55 and 33, block 5, for", substitute "as".
MR HUMPHRIES (11.05): I indicate that I do not think we on this side of the chamber can support this amendment. The motion, with Mr Stevenson's amendment having failed, is also an unfair representation of what either is going to happen under this Government or ought to happen under a government which was making the best use of this valuable resource. First of all, I am extremely cynical about the phrase "notes the Labor Party's priority for the next three years". It does not say that the Labor Government is going to be pursuing this particular agenda, as put forward by Mr Moore. Indeed, the phrase used, very deliberately apparently, is "Labor Party" not "Labor Government".
Mr Berry in his remarks did not commit the Government to each of the items on this agenda. What Mr Berry is seeking to do with this amendment - I hope that Mr Moore, the mover of this motion, can see this - is indicate broad support for the general concept put forward by Mr Moore without actually committing the Labor Government to any of the specifics in that list, or to all of the specifics in that list.
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