Page 4151 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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5 A.C.T. Liquor Licensing Board

1 Present Members

Mrs Robin Gibson Chairperson 9/9/91 to 8/9/94 Mr Anthony Brown Registrar Ex officio

Mr Ken Helm 9/I/91 to 8/1/%,

2 Terms of Reference

To consider and determine matters referred to it under the Liquor Act. Conduct hearings and inquiries in relation to applications. Provide policy advice to Minister on liquor related issues.

3. Term and Power of Appointment

A member other than the Registrar holds office for such a period not exceeding 5 years as specified in the instrument of appointment. Members are eligible for reappointment.

4. Gender Breakdown


Males _ 1 Female


(in accordance with the Remuneration Tribunal non-specified office Category 2 rate)

Travel Allowance Sydney $230; $190 other capital cities; $145 other than capital cities

6. Public Servants

The Board is serviced by the Liquor Licensing Section in Administrative Law and justice Branch

Table included.

7. Publications

The Board does not produce an annual report. The Boards activities are reported in the liquor Licensing Section of the Attorney-Generals Department annual report. No costs involved. F


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