Page 4133 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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(9) (a) In 1989/90/91 one person only in this category was recruited as far

as can be ascertained and this occurred due to recruitment error.

(b) One.

(c) There are no records kept at Woden Valley Hospital of the number of this particular category of employee continuing in employment; the graduate program simply constitutes the first year of employment. Two employees continued in employment at Calvary Hospital on completion of their graduate program.

See 9(c).

(10) New graduates are employed as the nursing staff establishment requires and skills mix allows. Graduates are placed onto an appropriate ward for six months. Each graduate is preceptors for an initial period (two months at Woden Valley Hospital; one to two months as necessary at Calvary Hospital). Staff appraisals are carried out at regular intervals (at three and six months at Woden Valley Hospital sad at one, three and six months $t Calvary Hospital). At the end of the six month placement, the graduate stay elect to remain on their current ward or request a move.

(1I) The derision not to recruit over establishment is a basic management function. Nursing Management took this decision at the end of 1991. Calvary Hospital had also given an undertaking to place registered nurses whose positions were affected by the amalgamation within the ACT Public Hospital Redevelopment Program:

(12) (a) The Nursing Executives of Woden Valley and Calvary Hospitals.

(b) December 1991.

(c) Due to the hospital amalgamation and redevelopment the bed strategy and the nursing budget, the intakes tentatively pled for 1992 would not go ahead.

(13) Representatives of ACT Health, Calvary Hospital and the University of Canberra are part of the membership of die ACT Board of Health Research and Education Committee where all health education issues are addressed. A working party is currently examining the feasibility of a joint preceptor program for thud year undergraduate nurses. In addition a Nursing Education Subcommittee has recently been established with representation from the Department, University and Calvary Hospital.

(14) See (13).


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