Page 4110 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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I got some information on the cost of producing the last report. On the information that was in front of me it was $3,512. I was not prepared to write to the board on the basis of your motion and direct them to redo the report.

Mrs Carnell: That one page?

MR BERRY: I was not prepared to write to the board and direct them to redo the report. It would cover old ground. It was the board's idea. It is like writing to the board and saying, "You were wrong. Kate Carnell says that you are wrong. Redo it". I am not going to direct the board to do those sorts of things on the basis of a request by one Liberal. I am just not going to do it. If this Assembly wants to direct me to direct the board to do certain things, fair enough; and I will direct them.

Mrs Carnell puts forward a motion that the Government present a full financial performance report for ACT Health for the recent September quarter within 24 hours and forward it to each member. I suggested to Mr Moore that he put this motion up yesterday, that the board was meeting today, and that I would be prepared to put it forward to them. I can tell you now that if you carry this motion in its current form I will direct the board to meet again - I do not know how much that will cost - and I will direct them to approve of the - - -

Mrs Carnell: Don't you have the quarterly figures?

MR BERRY: I will direct the board to provide those sorts of figures.

Mr Humphries: That is a good question. You should have the information already, on your desk.

MR BERRY: The board is responsible for this and the board has to take responsibility for it. If this motion is passed I will direct the board to convene another meeting, whether they can do it in 24 hours or not, and then I will direct them to provide the information requested by this Assembly - if it so requests me to do so - and that is fair enough. You are entitled to direct me to do that and I am prepared to listen to you, but the board will know who made the direction.

Mr Moore: Wayne, you have had plenty of opportunities to provide it and it is a pity that it has to come to this, but there we are.

MR BERRY: No, no; no, no. I said that I was prepared to ask the board to do things and I was not prepared to direct the board on the basis of two people coming up and asking me to go over old ground.

Mrs Carnell: Wayne, if you do not have the information, then, quite  honestly - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please!

MR BERRY: This is an issue of the board running the health system and producing an activity report - - -

Mr Kaine: And the Minister totally abdicating from all responsibility.

MR BERRY: No, no.

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